Why floods occur in Hyderabad ?

Hyderabad is a system of catchments. The western edge is in the Godavari river basin (from Kukatpally, Ramchandrapuram,to Gachibowli). To the east, it’s in the Krishna river basin. Also, Hyderabad is in the Deccan region, which has a chaotic drainage pattern — water here does not flow in a single direction as the slope is in multiple directions. These tanks served agrarian purposes and the areas surrounding them were ‘protected local catchment areas’. In the last 40 years, a complete city has come up on top of this agrarian imprint. Roads, which have rigid boundaries, have been built around the ‘fluid’ water bodies, without any buffer areas. Necklace Road is a spectacular example of that. Both, the command area and the foreshore of tanks, have developed real estate.
One of our biggest failures is waste management with all the industrial waste and sewage being dumped into the lakes, the waste accumulated has now affected the holding capacity of the lakes, vertically. So, the original ‘full tank limit’ of our waterbodies/lakes doesn’t hold good anymore.

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Why floods occur in Hyderabad ? Why floods occur in Hyderabad ? Reviewed by Viral updates on October 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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